Absolute humidity:- Actual amount of water present in air.
Acceleration:- Rate of change of velocity.
Aerial animal:- Animal that remain most of the time in air.
Aestivation:- The process of taking rest in some animals during summer.
Afforestation:- The process of planting trees/plants.
Algae:- Small green plants without flower growing in water.
Alloy:- A solution of two or more metals.
Alnico:- An alloy of aluminium,nickel & cobalt.
Alveoli:- Small air chambers of lungs.
Amphibians:- Animals which lives both on land & in water.
Amplitude:- Maximum displacement of molecules form mean position while transmission of sound.
Androecium:- Male floral whorl or part in flower.
Anemometer:- An instrument to measure direction and speed of wind.
Angiosperm:- The plants that produce flowers.
Animal:- Living things that can move and cannot produce their food themselves.
Annual plants:- Plants that survive only for one year.
Anticline:- The raised part or fold mountain.
Apex:- The end of leaf.
Aquatic animal:- Animal that lives in water.
Artificial magnet:- Magnet made by man.
Astronomy:- Science to study heavenly bodies.
Atmosphere:- The layer of air around the earth.
Atmispheric pressure:-The pressure exerted by the air of atmosphere.
Atom:- The smallest form of an element with its property.
Atomic number:- The number of proton in an atom.
Attraction:- The force to draw closer (pull closer).
Audible sound:- The sound that a human ear can hear.
Aves:- Agroup in which birds are placed.
Barometer:- An instrument to measure the atmosphereric pressure.
Beaker:- A glass vessel used in laboratory.
Beam:- Collection of rays.
Bennial plants:- Plants that survive for two years.
Biology:- Scicence to study living things.
Block mountain:- Mountain formed by vertical earth quake.
Boiling point:- The temperature at which substance boil or changes into gas state from liquid.
Botany:- Branch of bilogy to study about plants.
Breathing:- The exchange of gas in living things body.
Brittle:- A nature of breaking easily.
C.G.S unit:- A measurement system in which length,mass and time are measured in centimeter,gram and second respectively.
Calibration:- Making of thermometer with thermometric scale.
Calyx:- the outermost whorl or covering of flower.
Capillary tube:- A fine tube with very narrow (hair like) passage.
Cave animal:- Animal that live in cave.
Cell:- A source of electricity.
Cell(organism):- The structural & functional unit of life.
Cell membrane:- Outermost living covering in a cell.
Cell wall:- Outermost covering in plant cell
Cellulose:- The matrial which make the cell wall.
Celsius:- Unit of measurement of temperature.
Centrifugal force:- The force that acts outwards when a body is in circular motion.
Centriputal force:- The force that acts towards center when a body is in circular motion.
Centrosome:- The cellular organelle near nuckeus only in animal cell.
Characteristics:- Properties/features.
chemical change:- A permanent change which cannot be reversed.
Chemistry:- Branch of science dealing with elements, xompount their properties and composition of substances.
Chlorophyll:- The green pigment present in plant.
Chromosomes:- the structure inside the nucleus of a cell which carries hereditary characters.
Circular motion:- The motion of a body in circular path.
Climate:- Average condition of atmospheric of a place over a long period of time.
Climatology:- Branch of science dealing with climate.
Closed circuit:- An electric circuit which in on.
Cloud:- Water vapour along with dust in the sky.
Cold-blooded:- Animal with no fixed body temperature.
Combustion:- Burning.
Comets:- Heavenly bodies with large elliptical orbit revolving around the sun.
Comets:- Heavenly bodies with large elliptical orbit revolving around the sun.
Compounds:- Pure form of substance made up of more than one type of elements.
Compress:- To allow the matter in smaller space.
Compression:- the region where molecules have high density during sound propagation.
Concentrated solution:- A solution with more amount of solute.
Conduction:- Method of transmission of heat in solids.
Conductor:- Substance which allow heat and electricity to pass through them.
Coniferous plant:- The plant of cold climate that grow in a cone form.
Constituents:- the components/part.
Contraction:- The decrease in the volume of matter due to lowering of temperature.
Convection:- A method of transmission by moment of molecule.
Convenient:- in an easy way.
Convergent beam:- Rays comming close to each other in a beam of light.
Core:- Intermost layer of the earth.
Corolla:- The brightly coloured part & second outermost whorl of flower.
Cotyledon:- Reserve food in a seed.
Crust:- Top most layer of earth having fertile soil.
Cryptogams:- The plant that do not dear flower.(non-flowering plant).
Crystal:- Substances with definite geometrical shape,plane surface and sharp edge.
Crystallisation:- Process of making crystals.
Cytoplasm:- Living fluid matter inside the cell.
Decantation:- Process of separating liquid from its insoluble mixture with solid.
Deforestation:- cutting down of trees (destruction of forest).
Demagnetization:- Loss of magnetic property from magnet.
Density:- Mass of unit volume of a substance.
Deposition:- collecting/sedimentation of soil or materials in a region.
Derived unit:- Units derived or obtained from fundamental unit.
Device:- A system or an instrument.
Dew:- The water droplets formed by cooling of air water vapour.
Diameter:- Thickness in center of a circle.
Dicotyledon:- A seed with two cotyledons.
Dilute solution:- A solution with less amount of solute.
Directive property:- The property of a magnet to show north and south pole when suspended freely.
Dispersal:- Scattering(seed) Distribution.
Dissolve:- The property of matter to mix evenly in water.
Distillated:- The pure form of liquid obtained after distillation.
Distillation:- A process of seperating of mixture of liquid with liquid or other.
Diurnal animals:- Animals those are active in day and rest at night.
Divergent beam:- Rays spreading away from each other in beam of light.
Dry cells:- A source of electricity made by using dry chemicals and metals.
Ductile:- A property to change into thin wires.
Dynamo:- An electric source which change mechanical and magnetic energy to electric energy.
Earth:- The planet where life is possible.
Eclipse:- A shadow of heavenly bodies over other.
Effort:- The force applied to lift the object or to do work.
Elasticity:- The capacity to stretch.
Electric circuit:- The way or path from where electricity passes through.
Electrical appliance:- Device which runs using electricity.
Electricity:- A form of energy which is easily transferable to another forms.
Electromagnet:- Magnet made by using electricity.
Electron:- A particle present in an atom with nagetive charge (sub atomic partcle).
Element:- Pure form of matter made up of one type of small components.
Embroy:- A young baby planet in a seed.
Endospermic seed:- Seed with endosperm.
Environment:- A place where an organisms live which is also called surrounding.
Evaporation:- The process of changing liquid to gas by heat.
Exceration:- Throwing of waste by an organism from its body.
Expansion:- Increase in volume due to heat
F.P.S unit:- A measurement system where length,mass & time are measured in foot,pound & second respectively.
Fahrenheit:- Unit of measurement of temperature.
Fertilization:- Process of fusion of male cell and female cell.
Fibrous root:- Root with equal many roots growing in cluster/group from stem base.
Filtrate:- The clean water obtained after filtration.
Filtration:- Process of separating immiscible solid from liquid using filter paper,cloth etc.
Fixed pulley:- Pulley or pulley system where pulley do not move.
Flash:- A sudden light.
Flat:- (sound) dull sound.
Floation:- Condition of an object remains on the surface of water.
Fog:- A dense water vapour in air near the surface.
Fold mountains:- Mountain formed by horizontal earth quakes.
Food:- A source of energy and matter for living things.
Force:- An effect that change the body of rest to motion or motion to rest.
Forecast:- Prediction;estimation.
Freezing point:- The temperature at which liquid change to solid.
Frequency:- Number of vibrations;oscillation in a second;Numbers of event in a second.
Friction:- An opposing force during movement.
Frost:- The frozen water on ground surface.
Fuel:- Any substance which can be burnt for heat.
Fulcrum/pivot:- A point of support.
Fundamental unit:- Units of length,mass & volume.
Fungi:- non-flowering,non green plants that grow in humid environment.
Gas:- Matter with no fixed volume and shape.
Geology:- science to study the structure of the earth.
Germination:- Process of developing seedling {young plant from seed}.
Gravitational force:- The force of attraction between two masses.
Gravity:- The force by which the earth pulls an object on its surface.
Growth:- An irreversible increase in volume in living things.
Gymnosperm:- A group of flowering plant with woody or cone flowers.
Gynoecium:- Female reproductive part of flower,the intermost whorl of flower.
Habit:- The behaviour/nature of organisms.
Habitat:- The place where an organism(living things) live.
Hailstones:- The frozen ice balls which falls as rain on the earth.
Hard water:- The water which do not lather easily with soap.
Heat:- A form of energy.
Herbaceous:- Soft stem.
Hertz:- Unit to measure frequency.
Hetrogeneous mixture:- A mixture where the components are not equally mixed.
Hibernation:- The process in some animals of taking a long sleep/rest to protect themselves from cold winter season.
Hill:- raised land part less than 300m high.
Hilum:- The point of attachment of seed to fruit.
Himalayas:- Raised land part covered with snow throughout the year.
Homogeneous mixture:- A mixture where the components are easily mixed throughout.
Horizons:- layers; strata.
Humidity:- Measure of water vapour in air.
Humus:- dead or decaying organic materials or soil.
Hydrophytes:- Aquatic plants.
Hygrometer:- An instrument to measure humidity.
Igneous roce:- Rock formed due to cooling of volcanic mass.
Image:- The view formed by optical instruments ,mirror,lens etc.
Immiscible:- Unable to being mix.
Incident ray:- The ray striking the surface.
Inclined plane:- A type of simple machine or sloping surface.
Infrasound:- The sound with low frequency below 20Hz.
Instrument:- A system that makes work easy.
Insulator:- The material which does not allow heat to pass through it.
Intermolecular space:- The space or region in between the molecules in matter.
Internides:- A part of a stem or branch between two nodes.
Invertebrate:- Animal without backbone.
Irregular reflection:- Reflection by rough surface.
Kelvin:- Unit to measure temperature.
Kidney:- Human organ of exceretion (urine exceretion).
Laboratory:- a place to perform scientific experiments. Lemina:-The expanded green part of leaf.
Landslide:- Sliding down of a mass of land from mountain.
Lateral inversion:- the sideway shifting in image.
Lava:- The molten mass comming out from the earth's inner layer during volcano.
Leaf:- A flat expanded green plants of a plant.
Length:- the distance between two points.
Lever:- A rigid bar free to move around a point.
Life process:- The different living activities in an organism.
Life span:- The total length of life duration of living things.
Light:- An energy,which help to see things.
Lime water:- Lime dissolved in water.
Linear motion:- The motion of a body in a straight line.
Liquid:- Matter with fixed volume but no fix shape.
Liver:- An important organ in the body for excreation;controls the poisonous material of the body.
Liverworths:- Small green non-flowering plant growing in moist place.
Living things:- The substance with life in them.
Load:- Object to be lifted or force against which effort is to be applied.
Loadstone:- A natural magnet.
Longitudinal wave:- Sound wave.
Lower fixed point:- Freezing point of water under standard atmospheric pressure.
Lukewarm:- Not so hot not so cold.
Luminous body:- The body which have their own light.
Lusture:- Shine.
M.K.S unit:- A measurement system where length,mass & time are measured in meter,kg & second respectively.
Machines:- The device which does the work faster.
Magma:- The molten mass inside the earth's surface.
Magnet:- Metals with a property of attraction to iron,steel,alnico,cobalt etc.
Magnetic force:- Force by magnet.
Magnetic induction:- Temporary magnetism developed in magnetic substance due to magnet.
Magnetic poles:- The ends of magnet.
Magnetic separation:- A process of separation of magnetic substance from mixture using magnet.
Magnetic substances:- substances that are attracted by magnet.
Magnetism:- The property of a magnet.
Magnetization:- The process of making magnet from magnetic substances.
Malleability:- A property to be thin sheet form.
Malleable:- A property to change into thin sheets.
Mammalia:- A group of vertebrate animals which give birth to young once and suckle them.
Mantle:- The middle layer of earth.(layer between crust and core).
Mass:- matter contained by a body.
Matter:- A things that occupies space and has mass.
measurement:- The comparison of unknown quantity with a known atandard quantity.
Measuring cylinder:- A vessel to measure volume of liquid.
Melting point:- The temperature at which solid change to liquid state.
Meniscus:- The curved surface a liquid makes in vessel.
Mercury:- A bright shiny metal at liquid state.
Metal:- Hard,shining materials which conducts electricity,produce tinkling sound.
Metalloid:- The substances which show the properties of both metal and non-metal.
Metamorphic rock:- Rock formed due to change in igneous or sedimentary rock.
Meteorology:- Branch of science dealing with weather.
Meteors/shooting stars:- Matter comming towards the earth which burn due to friction and finish till they reach the earth.
Micropyle:- A part in a seed through which water enters.
Microscope:- An instrument to observe/see cell and small organisms.
Microscopic:- Very tiny objects visible/seen only through microscope.
Midrib:- The main vein in a leaf.
Minerals:- Inorganic substance that plant take from soil.
Miscible:- Able to mix.
Mist:- water vapour in atmosphere near the ground.
Mitochondria:- The organelle inside the cell where energy is produce.
Mixture:- Combination of two or more substance.
Moisture:- Amount of water vapour present in air.
Molecules:- Small/tiny components present in matter.
monocotyledon:- A seed with a single cotyledon.
Moon:- The only natural satellite of the earth.
Moss:- Small non-flowering plant growing on moist habitat.
Motion:- A condition of a body changing its position with respect to surrounding.
Mountains:- Raised land parts on earth (300 or more in height)
Moveable pulley:- Pulley or pulley system where pulley move.
Movement:- To shift or move from one place to another.
Multicellular organism:- Organism that is made of many cells.
Natural magnet:- Magnet obtained from nature. Neutorn:- A particle in an atom at its center/nucleus.
Newton:- Unit of measurement of force.
Nocturnal animals:- Animals those active during night and rest at day.
Node:- A part of a stem or branch where leaf aries.
Non-Magnetic substances:- Substance Not attracted by magnet.
Non-endospermic seed:- A seed without endosperm.
Non-living things:- Substance without life in them.
Non-luminious body:- The body which do not have their own light.
Non-magnetic substances:- Substance not attracted by magnet.
Non-metal:- Dull,Broght Substances which are non-conductor of heat electricity.
Normal ray:- Imaginary line perpendicular to the reflecting surface.
North pole:- The end of magnet showing north pole.
Nuclear membrane:- A thin covering of nucleus.
Nucleous:- A dark stained body inside nucleus.
Nucleus:- The important organ of cell which controls all activities of cell.
Opacity:- A property of matter no to allow light to pass through it.
Opaque:- The object which do not allow the light to pass through it.
Open circuit:- An electrical circuit which is switched off.
Optimum:- Suitable,good match.
Oscillatory motion:- The forward and backward motion about a fixed point.
Parallax error:- An error in measurement due to wrong eye position.
Parallel beam:- All rays moving parallen in a beam of light.
Parallel venation:- Vein do not show branching.
Pendulum:- An irregular motion in a body.
Perennial plants:- Plants that srrvive for more than two years.
Permanent hardness:- Water with sulphate and chloride.
Petiolate leaf:- A leaf with a stalk.
Petiole:- The stalk of a leaf.
Phanerogams:- A group of flower producing plant.
Phases of moon:- Different appearance of the moon.
Phloem:- Tissues in plant which carries material from leaf to different parts.
Photo cell:- A source of electricity which transfer light energy.
Photosynthesis:- Food making process in green plants
Physical balance:- A device to measure mass.
Physical change:- A temporary change in shape,size etc and this change is reversible change.
Physical quantities:- The measurable quantities.
Physics:- Branch of science dealing with matter and energy.
Picking:- A method of seperatio of mixture by viewing and taking it out by hand.
Pisces:- A group of aquatic vertebrates.
Pitch:- The sharpness of sound.
Plain:- A flat/plan low land.
Planets:- The heabenly bodies revolving around the sun.
Plants:- Living things which can produce their food themselves.
Plastids:- The organelle present only in plant cell which gives colouration of plant.
Plateau:- A high land with flat surface.
Plumule:- A young shoot;parts of embryo from which shoot develops.
Pols of magnet:- Two ends of magnet that always show north and south when free to move.
Pollution:- Mixing of extra/other material which gegrades the quantity of air,water & land.
Portable water:- Clean and pure water for drinking.
Predication:- to guess or to say what will happen.
Predication:- to guess or to say what will happen.
Primary root:- The main root of tap root.
Proton:- A particle in an atom in the centre/nucleus with positive charge.
Proto plasm:- The living fluid inside the cell.
Pteridiphytes:- The most advanced non-flowering plant's group.
Pulley:- A circular wheel with a groove on its rim for rope.
Pulling force:- An effort which pulls or tries to pull an object.
Pure substance:- Substance of only one kind of matter.
Pushing force:- An effort which push or tries to push an object.
Radiation:- The process of transmission of heat which doesn't require any medium.
Radicle:- A very young root;part of embryo from which root grows/develops.
Rain gauge:- An instrument to measure rain fall.
Rain:- Water droplets showering on earth due to cooling of cloud.
Rarefraction:- The region where molecules have least density during sound propagation.
Ray:- A very narrow light.
Rectilinear propagation:- Very straight movement in a straight line.
Reflected ray:- The ray after striking the surface.
Reflection:- To get back;to bounce off.
Regular reflection:- The reflection by smooth surface.
Relative density:- The ratio of density of substance to the density of water.
Relative humidity:- The ratio of actual amount of water in the air to the amount of water the air can hold at the temperature.
Reproduction:- A process or phenimenon of producing young ones similar or parents.
Reproductive organs:- Organs related to produce new ones.
Reptilian:-A group of vertebrate that creep or move.
Repulsion:- To move apart;push away to each other.
Residue:- The solid left in filter paper after filtration.
Respiration:- The process of exchanging gas (taking in oxygen and throwing out carbondioxide)
Rest:- A contidion of a body not changing its position with respect to surrounding.
Reticulate venation:- A main vein gives branches which again gives branches.
Rift valley:- The land that goes down during vertical earthquake.
Rock:- Solid material on the earth's crust.
Root:- The underground growing part of a plant.
Rotatory motion:- The motion of a body around its own axis.
Ruler:- A device to draw lines and measure small measurement of body.
S.I system:- The international system of units of measurement.
Satellite:- A body revolving around the planets.
Saturated solution:- The solution which cannot dissolve more solute at the temperature.
Science:- Study depending upon experiment observation and verification.
Screw:- A simple machine with a highly curved inclined plane.
Secondary root:- The branch root from main root in a tap root.
Sediment:- A deposited material at the buttom of liquid.
Secondary rock:- Rock formed due to deposition of layers/sediments.
Sedimentation:- Process of allowing insoluble solid materials to settle down in a mixture.
Seed coat:- A protecrive covering of seed.
Seed:- A reproductive unit of a plant.
Sensitivity:- Response to externam environment/stimulant.
Sessile leaf:- Leaf without stalk.
Shadow:- A region of no light due to opaque object in the way of light.
Shallow:- Less in depth.
Shoot:- The aerial (above ground) growing part of plant.
Shrill:- Sharp sound.
Sieve:- A device with small holes to seperate particules of different sizes.
Sieving:- A process of seperation of mixture by use of sieve.
Simple cells:- A source of electricity made by using acid and metal plates.
Simple machine:- A simple device that makes work easy and fast.
Sinking:- Condition of an object down into the water.
Snow:- Cottony frozen from the water (seen at high altitude)
Soft water:- The water which lather easily with soap.
Soil conservation:- Protection of soil.
Soil erosion:- Removal of the soil.
Soil profile:- Layers of soil.
Soil:- Fine pieces of rock with humus; the earth's surface where plant grows.
Solar system:- A group of heavenly bodies around the sun.
Solid:- Matter with definite shape and volume.
Solubility:- property of dissolving in water.
Solute:- The smaller quantity of matter in a solution.
Solution:- Combination of solute ans solvent.
Solvent:- The higher quantity of matter in a solution.
Sound:- Form of energy which produce sensation of hearing.
Source:- Things that give something (source of heat=thongs that produce heat,source of light=things that give light etc)
South pole:- The end of magnet showing south direction.
Specific gravity:- Relative density.
Spiracles:- The organ of respiration in insects.
Spiral motion:- The simultaneous rotatory and linear motion in a body.
Standard unit:- The units accepted all over the world.
Stars:- Luminous bodies in the universe.
State/phase:- Form of liquid (solid/liquid/gas).
Steam:- The gaseous state of water.
Stimulus:- The factors or things to creat responses in an organism.
Stomata:- The small pores present in the leaves of plant.
Sublimate:- Solid substance obtained by cooling the vapour.
Sublimation:- Process in which a solid substance directly change into gas on heating and again gas into solid by cooling.
Succulent:- Fleshy;With more moisture/water.
Sun:- The nearest star from the earth also known as ball of fire.
Supersaturated solution:- A solution with excess solute than required to make saturated solution at a given temperature.
Surface water:- Water which is found on the earth's surface.
Symbols:- Short abbreviation/notation used to notify element/others.
Syncline:- The down/pressed part of fold mountain.
Tap root:- A root with one main root and other branches root from the main root.
Temperature:- Degree of hotness or coldness of a body.
Temporary hardness:- Hardness due to presence of soluble salts of bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium.
Terrestrial animals:- Animals that live on land.
Terrestrial plant:- Plants that grow on land.
Thallophyta:- Non-flowering plants;the simplest and primitive plants.
Thermometer:- A device to measure temperature of a body.
Thermometric liquid:- Liquid used in a thermometer.
Time:- The interval between any two events.
Trachea:- Air tubes;Respiratory passage(human).
Translucent:- The object which allow a part of light to pass through it.
Transparent:- The object which allow light to pass through it.
Transparency:- A property of the matter to allow light to pass through it.
Transpiration:- The process of throwing excess of water by plants.
Transverse wave:- Wave in which the particles of the medium vibrate perpendicular to wave direction.
Tuning fork:- An instrument used in laboratory to produce sound.
Typhoon:- A high speed blowing air/water (violent strom).
Ultrasound:- The sound of frequency more than 20KHz (20,000Hz)
Underground water:- The water stored inside the surface of earth.
Unicellular organism:- Organism which is made up of a single cell.
Unit:- A reference value of quantity which is used to express other value of same quantity ; A fixed quantity.
Universe:- A large space including all heavenly bodies.
Unsaturated solution:- Solution that can dissolve more solute at a given temperature.
Upper fixed point:- The temperature of pure boiling water at standard atmospheric pressure.
Vacuole:- The cell organelle to store food, digest food and hold waste in a cell.
Valleys:- A land covered by mountains or hills.
Vaporisation:- Process of changing og water into water vapour.
Vapour:- The gaseous form of water formed on heating water.
Vegetation:- Plant growing in an area.
Vegetative organs:- The organs other than reproductive organs in plant.
Venation:- The arrangement of veins in a leaf.
Vertebrate:- Animal with backbone.
Vibration:- Fast side to side or upward & downward motion.
Virtual image:- The image that cannot be obtained in a screen.
Visible:- That can be seen.
Volcanic mountain:- Mountain formed by deposition of volcanic mass.
Volume:- The space occupied by an object.
Warm-blooded:- Animals whose body temperature doesn't change with the surrounding.
Washing soda:- Sodium carbonate,substance used to remove permanent hardness of water.
Watch:- Device to measure time.
Water cycle:- The movement of water to atmosphere in different form and back to earth.
Water pollution:- Decrease in quantity of water.
Water:- A compound made up of hydrogen and oxygen.
Wave length:- The distance travelled by a vibrating particles in one complete vibration.
Wave propagation:- Transmission of wave.
Wave:- A disturbance which carries energy form one point to another without actual movement of the particles of the medium.
Weather:- The condition of atmosphere of a place at a time.
Weathering:- Process of breaking of rocks.
Wedge:- A simple maching having one end sharp and another end blunt.
Weeds:- The grassed that grow in crop field.
Weight:- The force by which earth attracts a body on its surface.
Wheel and axle:- A type of simple machine with two cylinders.
Wind:- The moving air.
Winnowing:- A process of seperation of mixture the help of blowing air/wind.
Xylem:- Tissues in plant which carries the material absorbed by root to above.
Zoology:- Branch of biology to study about animals.